Sri Lanka December 2005, a year after the Tsunami

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Galle, a year after the Tsunami. Most authentic ships are gone, a new polyester replacement makes fishing possible.

Galle, a year after the Tsunami

Galle, a year after the Tsunami

Galle, a year after the Tsunami. Most authentic ships are gone, a new polyester replacement makes fishing possible.

Galle, a year after the Tsunami. Most authentic ships are gone, a new polyester replacement makes fishing possible.

Kandy, a hindu temple ceremony

Kandy, Elephants are a common participant

Kandy, Elephants are a common participant

Kandy, Elephants are a common participant

Kandy, Elephants are a common participant

The Dalada Maligawa, is one of the most important temples for Buddhism. The Temple of the Tooth, tells why: it has a Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha.

The Dalada Maligawa, is one of the most important temples for Buddhism. The Temple of the Tooth, tells why: it has a Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha.

The Dalada Maligawa, is one of the most important temples for Buddhism. The Temple of the Tooth, tells why: it has a Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha.

Temple of the Tooth

The Dalada Maligawa, is one of the most important temples for Buddhism. The Temple of the Tooth, tells why: it has a Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha.

Dambulla (Golden Rock) has the Cave Temple from the 1st Century BC

Dambulla (Golden Rock) has the Cave Temple from the 1st Century BC




Wildlife ??

Wildlife ??


Wildlife in Kandy

Wildlife in Kandy

Forest and City Monks together

Kandy city

Kandy city traffic

Kandy city traffic

Peradeniya Botanical Gardens

Peradeniya Botanical Gardens

Peradeniya Botanical Gardens

Peradeniya Botanical Gardens

Peradeniya Botanical Gardens

Peradeniya Botanical Gardens

Peradeniya Botanical Gardens